Peak Stream Hub takes its users' privacy extremely seriously and regards it as our top priority. These terms and conditions solely apply to None of our website's affiliates, third parties, services, or goods are affected by them in any way.

All of these guidelines are open to change and could be revised in the near future. For any updates, it is advised that you revisit this website in the future.

Data Collected by Peak Stream Hub

We gather data for the improvement of our website and the user experience in order to better serve users generally. Peak Stream Hub gathers the following information:

  • Automation Data: When you visit our website, cookies are used to automatically communicate with you. Cookies are little pieces of data that are transmitted automatically and kept on your computer or mobile device. This includes the type of browser you used, the number of clicks made during each visit, the language, and the length of the visit.
  • Data created by users: We compile the information you give us. This includes your involvement in polls, surveys, or feedback forms. Your feedback on our blogs, articles, and social media posts. the email address you give us when you subscribe to our newsletter.
Unless required by law, we do not divulge any of the data we collect to third parties or any of our affiliates. In the event that it becomes necessary to share any of your information, we will only do so with your consent.

How does Peak Stream Hub use your data?

Peak Stream Hub exclusively uses the data it gathers for internal enhancement and to improve user experience.

Our technological staff uses the information gathered through automated channels to enhance our website and mobile application. We are able to customize and improve different content for our users using the average visit duration, browser type, mobile device, date and time, language, and other types of Metadata.

We utilize the email address you enter during the newsletter sign-up process to notify our users about various deals & offers, services, and goods.

Peak Stream Hub uses your comments, likes, and shares for promotional purposes. The information gathered through survey participation is utilized for research and to identify various trends that can improve our service.

External and Affiliate Links on Peak Stream Hub

Several external links can be found on Peak Stream Hub in our blogs, articles, and on various websites. Many affiliates, advertisers, and third parties are closely partnered with us. Please be aware that these websites are not under our control.

You will be taken to these external websites if you click on these links. Peak Stream Hub is not responsible for the security or privacy of your personal information on these websites. Checking the privacy policies of each of these links is advised.

How we protect user data

We use cutting-edge, extremely secure databases with military-grade encryption at Peak Stream Hub. For enhanced privacy protection, our technical staff regularly examines and tests the security features on our website and app.

Please notify us right away with all the information if you suspect or believe that your data has been compromised so that we can take appropriate action.

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